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Cybozu Osaka Office
〒530-0017 大阪府大阪市北区角田町8番1号 梅田阪急ビルオフィスタワー 35階
🕑 Sat. January 27, 2024

How to Get into Tech: Part 1¥

Are you thinking about getting into tech? Here is your chance to learn from those who have gone before! OWDDM is kicking off a new series where members of our tech community share their path in tech. Each story is unique, and could inspire you to your own journey.

This month Chad Kohalyk introduces us to his 20 year career from being solopreneur to working inside a multinational, to running a remote-first global research startup. He will be joined by a panel to discuss the effects of macro technology trends, why being a generalist can be a good thing, and what he looks for when hiring.

The presentation will go for about 20 minutes, followed by discussion and socializing. Come learn from your peers, and share your story too!

Furthermore, if you have a topic that you would like to talk about, take the chance and let us know via the → Discord

You can also keep in touch with us on our LinkedIn account here.

Happy New Year!

MapTiler logo
Cybozu Osaka Office
〒530-0017 大阪府大阪市北区角田町8番1号 梅田阪急ビルオフィスタワー 35階

How to Get into Tech: Part 1

Are you thinking about getting into tech? Here is your chance to learn from those who have gone before! OWDDM is kicking off a new series where members of our tech community share their path in tech. Each story is unique, and could inspire you to your own journey.

This month Chad Kohalyk introduces us to his 20 year career from being solopreneur to working inside a multinational, to running a remote-first global research startup. He will be joined by a panel to discuss the effects of macro technology trends, why being a generalist can be a good thing, and what he looks for when hiring.

The presentation will go for about 20 minutes, followed by discussion and socializing. Come learn from your peers, and share your story too!

Furthermore, if you have a topic that you would like to talk about, take the chance and let us know via the → Discord

You can also keep in touch with us on our LinkedIn account here.

Happy New Year!

🕑 Sat. January 27, 2024