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Cybozu Osaka Office
〒530-0017 大阪府大阪市北区角田町8番1号 梅田阪急ビルオフィスタワー 35階
🕑 Sat. August 26, 2023


Escape the summer heat at our August Web Developer and Designer meetup!

Jake will talk about the exciting new web tech that creates reactive apps with Hypermedia: HTMX. Afterwards, join us for a q&a session on CSS best practices with James

MapTiler logo
Cybozu Osaka Office
〒530-0017 大阪府大阪市北区角田町8番1号 梅田阪急ビルオフィスタワー 35階


Escape the summer heat at our August Web Developer and Designer meetup!

Jake will talk about the exciting new web tech that creates reactive apps with Hypermedia: HTMX. Afterwards, join us for a q&a session on CSS best practices with James

🕑 Sat. August 26, 2023