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Kai Share Office - Shin Osaka
大阪市淀川区西中島4丁目8−26 鯛ビル 202
🕑 Sat. July 23, 2022

Hiding from the heat (Login UX & Live Coding)¥

Summer heat in Osaka, and we meet to escape the blistering sun and talk about web & things. 😎

This month we are trying a new meeting space. This should be easier to access for many and we hope you enjoy it. 😉

This month, Martin will be taking a deeper look at the Login and New-User process of web services. Attempting to identify the difference between logins, old and new variants from an user-experience and security perspective.

This should keep us in conversation and busy for a while, but if the preparations work out, James is also going to do some frontend live-coding on the OWDDM homepage. 🤯

There is still space/time for another presentation. If you have something you want to talk about: please don't hesitate to contact us!

We are still in the process of re-invigorating this meetup. As such, it would be awesome if you could take a few minutes and share what you think about it:

➡︎ Survey for OWDDM members

MapTiler logo
Kai Share Office - Shin Osaka
大阪市淀川区西中島4丁目8−26 鯛ビル 202

Hiding from the heat (Login UX & Live Coding)

Summer heat in Osaka, and we meet to escape the blistering sun and talk about web & things. 😎

This month we are trying a new meeting space. This should be easier to access for many and we hope you enjoy it. 😉

This month, Martin will be taking a deeper look at the Login and New-User process of web services. Attempting to identify the difference between logins, old and new variants from an user-experience and security perspective.

This should keep us in conversation and busy for a while, but if the preparations work out, James is also going to do some frontend live-coding on the OWDDM homepage. 🤯

There is still space/time for another presentation. If you have something you want to talk about: please don't hesitate to contact us!

We are still in the process of re-invigorating this meetup. As such, it would be awesome if you could take a few minutes and share what you think about it:

➡︎ Survey for OWDDM members

🕑 Sat. July 23, 2022