Talk at the Café¥
Hello there, You may be confused seeing this event. 😅
It has been rainy season and the event planned for this day has a reasonable chance for ending in flooding. 🌧
Instead, on short notice, Jun helped us securing the Laugh Rough Laugh Cafe for a meeting under a roof and we "Talks in the Park" event is planned for 2 weeks later later.
Even though it is on short notice, two of our members have offered to prepare a presentation. 🙀
Otogawa-san will challenge his first presentation in front of an english-speaking audience with his talk "From JavaScript → TypeScript (with React)" giving a step-by-step guide for migrating a React project from JavaScript to TypeScript. 🤓
Additionally - bit more focused on browsers - James will be talking about a11y (Accessibility).
More may be to come, stay tuned!
After the event, we will be heading out for drinks, to chat some more in the moonlight.
We hope to see you at the event. 👋
Talk at the Café
Hello there, You may be confused seeing this event. 😅
It has been rainy season and the event planned for this day has a reasonable chance for ending in flooding. 🌧
Instead, on short notice, Jun helped us securing the Laugh Rough Laugh Cafe for a meeting under a roof and we "Talks in the Park" event is planned for 2 weeks later later.
Even though it is on short notice, two of our members have offered to prepare a presentation. 🙀
Otogawa-san will challenge his first presentation in front of an english-speaking audience with his talk "From JavaScript → TypeScript (with React)" giving a step-by-step guide for migrating a React project from JavaScript to TypeScript. 🤓
Additionally - bit more focused on browsers - James will be talking about a11y (Accessibility).
More may be to come, stay tuned!
After the event, we will be heading out for drinks, to chat some more in the moonlight.
We hope to see you at the event. 👋