JavaScript dependency future and TypeScript at the Café¥
Hello there,
You see, this event never went away, but organizing a place to meet after this while has been challenging. 😅
Generously, Jun helped us securing the Laugh Rough Laugh Cafe. It’s a bit off-center, but you will find your travel to be rewarded with a kind, kid-friendly(!) cafe-atmosphere. 😻
On the 28th of May, we will have two presentations.
In his very accessible presentation, Jun will be looking in "First steps with TypeScript" on how to get started using TypeScript for websites. 🚀
Martin will then be talking about how the NPM registry has become pretty much standard for JavaScript dependencies. However recently, with ES modules, many are considering https may be succeeding it. Martin will look into the pros/cons and an alternate future. 🤓
After the event, we will be heading out for drinks, to chat some more in the moonlight.
This time JavaScript happens to be the focus of the meetup but we love to hear about the things you are interested in. Let us know if you have any topic that you would like to talk about or hear about!
We hope to see you at the event. 👋
JavaScript dependency future and TypeScript at the Café
Hello there,
You see, this event never went away, but organizing a place to meet after this while has been challenging. 😅
Generously, Jun helped us securing the Laugh Rough Laugh Cafe. It’s a bit off-center, but you will find your travel to be rewarded with a kind, kid-friendly(!) cafe-atmosphere. 😻
On the 28th of May, we will have two presentations.
In his very accessible presentation, Jun will be looking in "First steps with TypeScript" on how to get started using TypeScript for websites. 🚀
Martin will then be talking about how the NPM registry has become pretty much standard for JavaScript dependencies. However recently, with ES modules, many are considering https may be succeeding it. Martin will look into the pros/cons and an alternate future. 🤓
After the event, we will be heading out for drinks, to chat some more in the moonlight.
This time JavaScript happens to be the focus of the meetup but we love to hear about the things you are interested in. Let us know if you have any topic that you would like to talk about or hear about!
We hope to see you at the event. 👋