Coffee, Security and Chat¥
We will be very happy to see you at the next Meetup, our first meeting of the year.
Just to get together, chat about security in an enterprise environment and trade ideas/connections.
At this time, the slots for Presentations are still open.
So if you would like to:
- present a lightning talk or
- moderate a talk or
- sell an idea/service, or
- seek collaboration over a project you are working on,
do let any of the Organizers know.
P.S: It's bring-your-own-coffee kinda of a place though.
This is the address of the location as given by the owner:
〒530-0014 大阪府大阪市 北区鶴野町4−11 朝日プラザ梅田
Coffee, Security and Chat
We will be very happy to see you at the next Meetup, our first meeting of the year.
Just to get together, chat about security in an enterprise environment and trade ideas/connections.
At this time, the slots for Presentations are still open.
So if you would like to:
- present a lightning talk or
- moderate a talk or
- sell an idea/service, or
- seek collaboration over a project you are working on,
do let any of the Organizers know.
P.S: It's bring-your-own-coffee kinda of a place though.
This is the address of the location as given by the owner:
〒530-0014 大阪府大阪市 北区鶴野町4−11 朝日プラザ梅田