2019 HN Kansai & OWDDM End of Year Dinner¥
Hi Everyone!
We hope all of you have a great year. As we are reaching the final month of the year, we plan to get together for a year-end party along with the folks from HNKansai just like last year (... and the year before), at the very same place!
We will meet on Saturday 14th of December from 6pm (originally starting time was 7pm but we have now moved it to 6pm instead) at Galleria, a very nice pizzeria with a lot of space for people to talk and drink together 🙂 It is located just near Osaka Umeda so easily reachable from all major train lines.
The restaurant has changed their menu (3,500 JPY per person and you can drink as much as you want). As we have planned to rent out the place, the minimum party is 30 people, so please book in advance and let us know asap if you cannot attend.
Please register your attendance in HN Kansai meetup, here is the link: https://www.meetup.com/Hacker-News-Kansai/events/266838294/
We look forward to seeing all of your at the party.
For those who cannot attend the year-end party, we wish you a happy holiday and a prosperous & healthy New Year.
The OWDDM Organizers
2019 HN Kansai & OWDDM End of Year Dinner
Hi Everyone!
We hope all of you have a great year. As we are reaching the final month of the year, we plan to get together for a year-end party along with the folks from HNKansai just like last year (... and the year before), at the very same place!
We will meet on Saturday 14th of December from 6pm (originally starting time was 7pm but we have now moved it to 6pm instead) at Galleria, a very nice pizzeria with a lot of space for people to talk and drink together 🙂 It is located just near Osaka Umeda so easily reachable from all major train lines.
The restaurant has changed their menu (3,500 JPY per person and you can drink as much as you want). As we have planned to rent out the place, the minimum party is 30 people, so please book in advance and let us know asap if you cannot attend.
Please register your attendance in HN Kansai meetup, here is the link: https://www.meetup.com/Hacker-News-Kansai/events/266838294/
We look forward to seeing all of your at the party.
For those who cannot attend the year-end party, we wish you a happy holiday and a prosperous & healthy New Year.
The OWDDM Organizers