OWDDM July 2018 Meetup¥
We hope you're enjoying the summer and are ready for the 46th Osaka Web Designer/Developer Meetup.
We're delighted to have Marcel Takagi, VP of Product at Hacarus and co-organizer of the Kyoto Startup Weekend joining us to give a talk about the 'Double Diamond' design process for innovation.
Christian Oliff, Webmaster at ALK Technologies will show us '100 Things to Check Before You Launch a Website' - best practices covering usability, accessibility, SEO, security, performance and more.
We're back at GVH#5 - The Hive's meeting room in Umeda again. Check here for map: https://www.gvh-5.com/en/contact/#access
As usual, there will be a chance to network with each other, and we will head out for drinks afterward. We look forward to seeing you there!
Note: This months presentations have been organized in response to your feedback! If there is something you are looking for in future presentations or would like to present something yourself, please let us know 👇.
OWDDM July 2018 Meetup
We hope you're enjoying the summer and are ready for the 46th Osaka Web Designer/Developer Meetup.
We're delighted to have Marcel Takagi, VP of Product at Hacarus and co-organizer of the Kyoto Startup Weekend joining us to give a talk about the 'Double Diamond' design process for innovation.
Christian Oliff, Webmaster at ALK Technologies will show us '100 Things to Check Before You Launch a Website' - best practices covering usability, accessibility, SEO, security, performance and more.
We're back at GVH#5 - The Hive's meeting room in Umeda again. Check here for map: https://www.gvh-5.com/en/contact/#access
As usual, there will be a chance to network with each other, and we will head out for drinks afterward. We look forward to seeing you there!
Note: This months presentations have been organized in response to your feedback! If there is something you are looking for in future presentations or would like to present something yourself, please let us know 👇.