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Cybozu Osaka Office
〒530-0017 大阪府大阪市北区角田町8番1号 梅田阪急ビルオフィスタワー 35階
🕑 Sat. June 24, 2017

Early summer night in June Meetup

Summer is upon us soon and we have a cool early summer night meetup event for all of you aspiring web designers and developers this month.

We welcome everyone, the professional designers and developers who would like to share their experiences and ideas with others. We also welcome those who are a total beginner and want to have some insights into web design and development. All you need to bring is an open mind and an interest in the web, regardless of experience and background.

This month’s theme is to learn some new and easy ways to develop web sites.

We have Colin Watson ( from Sydney Australia. He is going to talk about the “Rapid Drupal 8 Development With Components”.

James McGrath ( is going to tell us how he tried to learn the latest in Javascript ES6 and accidentally having over 2000 views on his codes in codepen.

"GraphQL, what's that about?", Martin Heidegger ( is going to let us know more about GraphQL, the latest trend in web development.

After the meetup we will go out to a near-by Izakaya for drinks and post-meetup socializing. This will be a great opportunity to make new connections, especially for newcomers!

We hope to see you on June 24 at 6 PM.

Please note that we are holding it at the unusal location Cybozu this month.


Title: Rapid Drupal 8 Development With Components Speaker: Colin Watson

Title: How I accidentally made a slider that got over 2000 views on codepen. Speaker: James McGrath

Title: GraphQL, what's that about? Speaker: Martin Heidegger

MapTiler logo
Cybozu Osaka Office
〒530-0017 大阪府大阪市北区角田町8番1号 梅田阪急ビルオフィスタワー 35階

Early summer night in June Meetup

Summer is upon us soon and we have a cool early summer night meetup event for all of you aspiring web designers and developers this month.

We welcome everyone, the professional designers and developers who would like to share their experiences and ideas with others. We also welcome those who are a total beginner and want to have some insights into web design and development. All you need to bring is an open mind and an interest in the web, regardless of experience and background.

This month’s theme is to learn some new and easy ways to develop web sites.

We have Colin Watson ( from Sydney Australia. He is going to talk about the “Rapid Drupal 8 Development With Components”.

James McGrath ( is going to tell us how he tried to learn the latest in Javascript ES6 and accidentally having over 2000 views on his codes in codepen.

"GraphQL, what's that about?", Martin Heidegger ( is going to let us know more about GraphQL, the latest trend in web development.

After the meetup we will go out to a near-by Izakaya for drinks and post-meetup socializing. This will be a great opportunity to make new connections, especially for newcomers!

We hope to see you on June 24 at 6 PM.

Please note that we are holding it at the unusal location Cybozu this month.


Title: Rapid Drupal 8 Development With Components Speaker: Colin Watson

Title: How I accidentally made a slider that got over 2000 views on codepen. Speaker: James McGrath

Title: GraphQL, what's that about? Speaker: Martin Heidegger

🕑 Sat. June 24, 2017