Relaxed web talks¥
The cicada's chirp, the typhoons whirl and web developers meet up and talk.
Summer is reaching its peak and we shall meet again. Web developers and designers from Osaka or other corners of Kansai: you are welcome to join us! Our talks are often very casual about things related to our work such as new CSS features, importance of workflows, difference between database and/or payment systems, new Wordpress features and oh, so much more.
This is the first time in a while that I could't arrange our usual place in the Knowledge Salon. (sorry for that) I arranged the C7 coworking space. Its a bit harder to access but should make good for it in charm.
After the meetup we usually go out for drinks in a nearby izakaya.
We are having an organisation setup on github . If you feel like helping, having a problem or taking over the task or have something cool that you want to present please let me know! We are looking for volunteers.
Thank you and looking forward to see you!
About Recruiting: At our last meetup I okayed a recruiter to join our circle because some of our members are searching jobs in japan. It was not as comfortable as it could be so I thought to lay down the rules about recruiting:
Recruiters are welcome to join us but they need to be with a web background themselves and they need to arrive on time to introduce themselves with their intention before the meetup. Interested members then can talk to them afterwards and not the other way around.
Relaxed web talks
The cicada's chirp, the typhoons whirl and web developers meet up and talk.
Summer is reaching its peak and we shall meet again. Web developers and designers from Osaka or other corners of Kansai: you are welcome to join us! Our talks are often very casual about things related to our work such as new CSS features, importance of workflows, difference between database and/or payment systems, new Wordpress features and oh, so much more.
This is the first time in a while that I could't arrange our usual place in the Knowledge Salon. (sorry for that) I arranged the C7 coworking space. Its a bit harder to access but should make good for it in charm.
After the meetup we usually go out for drinks in a nearby izakaya.
We are having an organisation setup on github . If you feel like helping, having a problem or taking over the task or have something cool that you want to present please let me know! We are looking for volunteers.
Thank you and looking forward to see you!
About Recruiting: At our last meetup I okayed a recruiter to join our circle because some of our members are searching jobs in japan. It was not as comfortable as it could be so I thought to lay down the rules about recruiting:
Recruiters are welcome to join us but they need to be with a web background themselves and they need to arrive on time to introduce themselves with their intention before the meetup. Interested members then can talk to them afterwards and not the other way around.