MapTiler logo
Knowledge Salon
大阪市北区大深町3-1, 7F (北3エレベーター)
🕑 Sat. March 28, 2015

Join Us On March 28th¥

While we are waiting on the spring to show up, lets have another meetup in march!

As usually we have open discussions with people of many fields: graphic designing, DBA (Database Admins), HTML, PHP, CSS experts, those that have had experiences setting up business in Japan, crowd-sourcing or outsourcing, successful collaborations and we most certainly welcome you.

For this meeting, Mr. Christian Oliff will prepare a talk about high performance html and perhaps we can get a "podium discussion" on "differences in web development and use from the point of various countries" running: (any volunteers?)

On the topic of presentations: we are trying something new! You can now share your thoughts and ideas on what we are doing at Github:

In case you want to help out with things: just comment here: and we will add you to the owners list.

Also if the talks and presentations aren't enough: there is usually a completely informal get-together afterwards!

If you are interested in talking about whatever-that-strike-your-fancy over drinks or food please join. Up until now we have been looking for restaurants ad-hoc but because Saturdays are busy, we ask before-hands if you want to attend to make sure that we can reserve somewhere nice.

Thank you and looking forward to see you!

PS: This is Grand Front location:

MapTiler logo
Knowledge Salon
大阪市北区大深町3-1, 7F (北3エレベーター)

Join Us On March 28th

While we are waiting on the spring to show up, lets have another meetup in march!

As usually we have open discussions with people of many fields: graphic designing, DBA (Database Admins), HTML, PHP, CSS experts, those that have had experiences setting up business in Japan, crowd-sourcing or outsourcing, successful collaborations and we most certainly welcome you.

For this meeting, Mr. Christian Oliff will prepare a talk about high performance html and perhaps we can get a "podium discussion" on "differences in web development and use from the point of various countries" running: (any volunteers?)

On the topic of presentations: we are trying something new! You can now share your thoughts and ideas on what we are doing at Github:

In case you want to help out with things: just comment here: and we will add you to the owners list.

Also if the talks and presentations aren't enough: there is usually a completely informal get-together afterwards!

If you are interested in talking about whatever-that-strike-your-fancy over drinks or food please join. Up until now we have been looking for restaurants ad-hoc but because Saturdays are busy, we ask before-hands if you want to attend to make sure that we can reserve somewhere nice.

Thank you and looking forward to see you!

PS: This is Grand Front location:

🕑 Sat. March 28, 2015