MapTiler logo
Knowledge Salon
大阪市北区大深町3-1, 7F (北3エレベーター)
🕑 Sat. February 28, 2015

February 2015 Meetup¥

Charging right into 2015 we will have our next month web-bashing. We are not sure who will catch next times big

We have not decided yet on "who talks about what" but I found the privacy switch on loomio! (now its open to anyone :p)

Hope to see you all well and healthy in February!

PS.: This site is still very raw. It would be awesome if we had a nice banner/logo. Do you need an outlet for your creativity?

PPS.: <- this the mashapp hack-a-thon that I was talking about

PPPS.: Next NodeSchool is on 19th

MapTiler logo
Knowledge Salon
大阪市北区大深町3-1, 7F (北3エレベーター)

February 2015 Meetup

Charging right into 2015 we will have our next month web-bashing. We are not sure who will catch next times big

We have not decided yet on "who talks about what" but I found the privacy switch on loomio! (now its open to anyone :p)

Hope to see you all well and healthy in February!

PS.: This site is still very raw. It would be awesome if we had a nice banner/logo. Do you need an outlet for your creativity?

PPS.: <- this the mashapp hack-a-thon that I was talking about

PPPS.: Next NodeSchool is on 19th

🕑 Sat. February 28, 2015