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Knowledge Salon
大阪市北区大深町3-1, 7F (北3エレベーター)
🕑 Sat. November 29, 2014

Monthly Meetup in November!¥

The cold winds creep closer but they will not be able to stop our passion for the web!

We secured a spot on 29th to sharpen our braincells and exchange highly flammable ideas.

In our last Meetup we asked people what they would be interested in talking or hearing about!

And as a result James said to have a presentation on "Why you should not Wordpress" and Dave will talk about "Python 2.7 to 3".

If you feel like you have a nice topic to have a short about feel free to mention it in the comments.

We are looking forward to meetup with you!

PS.: About the Knowledge salon:

MapTiler logo
Knowledge Salon
大阪市北区大深町3-1, 7F (北3エレベーター)

Monthly Meetup in November!

The cold winds creep closer but they will not be able to stop our passion for the web!

We secured a spot on 29th to sharpen our braincells and exchange highly flammable ideas.

In our last Meetup we asked people what they would be interested in talking or hearing about!

And as a result James said to have a presentation on "Why you should not Wordpress" and Dave will talk about "Python 2.7 to 3".

If you feel like you have a nice topic to have a short about feel free to mention it in the comments.

We are looking forward to meetup with you!

PS.: About the Knowledge salon:

🕑 Sat. November 29, 2014